
InterFAB - Cooperation for Single European Sky

Research Workshop

Predictability and Flexibility in ATM
18-19 April 2024 in Zagreb/Croatia

This year FAB CE and FABEC continued the series of successful InterFAB research workshops wit h a forum dedicated to predict abilit y and fl exibilit y. In partnership with University of Zagreb and the German Aviation Research Society the 6th research workshop was held in Zagreb, Croatia, on 18/19 April 2024.

» Key Messages
» Workshop Programme

31 European countries within 9 Functional Airspace Blocks
for a safer and more efficient sky
"Better to know each other, better to work together!"

The InterFAB coordination platform was formally established in 2015 by representatives of the 9 European FABs (Functional Airspace Blocks).

It is the first platform that brings together all FABs' stakeholders, an opportunity for extensive control to ensure the implementation of the Single European Sky initiative at European level and to formulate common goals, share experiences and collectively have a strong and cohesive voice in Europe.